Thursday, April 16, 2009


Justin Rodriguez

Health Care - The treatment and management of illness, and the preservation of health through services offered by the medical, dental, pharmaceutical, clinical laboratory sciences (in vitro diagnostics), nursing, and allied health professions. Health care embraces all the good in services designed to promote health, including “preventive, curative and palliative interventions, whether directed to individuals or to populations” ( )

The health care experience I have had for the past years has been very present and helpful but at the same time also very selfish on certain situations. The reason why I say that health care is present and helpful to me is because whenever I had been sick or anyone in my family was sick medicare which is the health coverage we have had always came in handy but also on the other hand at times medicare didn’t want to help. What I mean by didn’t want to help is that on certain medications or surgeries that I or any other person in my family needed medicare either doesn’t help at all or they just put half of what is needed to pay for the medications or etc. I personally had spent many times in the emergency room but not me being a patient but my friends or family as for I can remember. Being in a emergency room is the most unhealthy thing in my opinion. Like for example Brook Dale hospital in Brooklyn, the emergency room is full of sick patients laying on a bed waiting hours and hours until a doctor comes to help them and the whole fact that all these patients are sick or wounded in some way that they have to wait hours until they are being seen by a doctor. This brings it all back to the American way of life where nowadays out of lets say 100% of doctors in my opinion only 45% are dedicated to their job and the rest all they really think about is the money and what other benefits they may have out of being a doctor.