Friday, June 12, 2009

Final Essay

This years course on “American Way Of Life” was to basically find out certain key things that happen everyday in America that can be good to its country or bad from our opinion. Today there are so many ways to describe America and what things are being done that it becomes hard to side with what is happening in this country or to have your own belief of how to live an American way of life. There were so many things being covered through the year like seeing how the government, capitalism, birth, health care, economic inequality, and how food works. Many of these things have reasons to accept and enjoy the fact that its apart of everyday life here in America.
In many certain ways American ways of life in my opinion all come down starting off as a trend its like a monkey see monkey do kind of thing. To start off the eating habits of many Americans are least to say a pattern some eat healthy some don’t. When you take someone who’s not healthy and put it next to someone who is there’s a big difference. Lots of unhealthy people eat foods that are not very good for the body for example lots of chain restaurants, take out, and junk. Out of every other American the eating habits are very similar because of advertisements that run through the media everyday like through t.v, ads, vending machines, and many others. Bu trends don’t only have to be with food but also with things like birth and with the doctors at hospitals and even religions. Many people say that there should be no reason to have more babies in this world due to an over population. In my opinion I think that there is nothing wrong with birth because of the simple fact that it is apart of our everyday life no one can stop the next person from having another child and having a child is something that many woman or men want one day and that’s where trends come into play once again not only one American has a baby but it is advertised in the world from the people themselves to have a baby and nowadays having a baby is something that needs to happen in everyday American life. Religion also in my opinion is apart of American way of life. There is a lot of people who follow a certain religion and sometimes there are people who like me for instance have a belief in Christianity but don’t follow the religion as deep as true followers. It can be that religion is something that people feel they need to have and at times im gonna admit that I feel like that. I consider religion a trend something that is out in the world that is put out there as a need in anyone’s life. After going through this course I noticed that the American way of life revolves around a lot of trends and that is just the cornerstone of what American lifestyle is about.
The most craziest things that I find so awkward the most is the whole health care issue in America. I have health care and they pay at times for the medication I need and what not but there was this one time where I needed something I don’t remember what it was but they paid half and made my mom pay the other half they didn’t wanna fully cover the medication and that wasn’t the first time they’ve done something like that. In general there is a lot of times when health care in America half ass they’re jobs there are so many sick people out there that need the help and sometimes they wont even help. It shows that life here in America in my opinion is independent everyone only thinks about themselves and when it comes to health care they’re very choosy on what and how they should help. Another crazy thing to me is how many many people in America including me are living in this country but we are being watched and abused by the governments rules and regulations. They control everything in this freaking country including having industrial food places harm these animals and places like McDonald’s go about and sell these foods that are killing people here in America. Not only killing people but if the government was caring enough they would enforce things that would be better for the country not make it worse. I think that AWOL has developed by us the people living in America. We are the cause for what’s going on today from trends to not caring about the planet earth. The reason I say that is because everything that has happened up until now was created by man and the technology that is created and used on vegetation and animals can one day soon be used on human life and its turning AWOL into some computer world that’s not even natural to begin with. The one thing I also truly believe is that the people of America will be the cause of a collapse like on Easter Island and because of us we are letting these things happen to the earth. There are so many ways of life here in America which make the definition of AWOL become endless and which makes me still want to know more about it and why these harmful things being done is really that necessary.

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