Thursday, June 11, 2009

Collapse Assignment #2

There are many things in life today that can lead to a collapse here in America. I personally have three points to prove why. I think that climate change, an economic failure, a pandemic. Those three things are the most serious things to me that are slightly hinting in the world today which is kind of scary and can also lead to a collapse.
Climate changes are very crucial to the world as it was to Easter Island. Some claim that it was a climate change that caused the trees and vegetation to disappear on the island. If that was the case then just imagine if there was a climate change in New York....what would happen then? The thoughts of summer, spring, winter, and fall all shifting is scary enough but the outcome can be dangerous to the people as it is to the world. If it was true that a climate change done that to Easter Island then it might have the same effect on New York. But then again we also have technology that the villagers in Easter Island didn’t have which means the result can be slightly different. But who said nature can’t beat technology.
A collapse in America with a climate change is worse enough but with how the economy is looking today I wouldn’t be surprised to see a collapse happen to an economic failure. With everything going downhill people losing jobs, places going out of business, and even companies losing money would cause people to wave riots and go crazy. Crime would increase and murder as well. People get upset with things like this and in these times everything in life revolves around money and for it to become an issue will have every single person going haywire. Then therefore people will be the cause of they’re own collapse.
Today there is a big case of the swine flu going around and it really is becoming a serious matter it has reached its highest level at this point and is a pandemic. But is it the start of a worldwide sickness? Can it turn into something even worse? A worldwide pandemic is something that is so unpredictable along with the climate change and economic crisis. The whole idea of a worldwide disease or sickness spreading throughout the world is crazy it has a lot of reason for its actions. Like the cleanliness of people and how the people treat the world is why things like this happen. All these things can result into a huge collapse on America but the main question I have for all this is for what purpose is this happening?

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